Friday, June 28, 2019



Kalaripayattu as we know is the oldest martial art of the world. Even though it is a discipline, Kalaripayattu is essentially a form of warfare.  Kalaripayattu, in short, is a defensive art of Kerala. It is Kerala’s own martial art tradition. It travelled abroad and even influenced other martial arts such as Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and even Karate. Soon enough it emerged as a new martial art form worldwide. That is how Karate, Kung Fu and the original form of Jiu-Jitsu spread in China and far East.

Understanding Kalaripayattu

You may ask what is Kalaripayattu? Why it is practiced inside a specific setup? Talking about the whole structure of Kalaripayattu it is done inside a Kalari. Here, Kalari is specially made using the ground surface. The top soil from the surface is removed to a depth of maybe 3-4 feet and in one corner there will be a presiding deity which we call ‘Puttara’ and there is another place known as ‘Guruttara’ which is dedicated to preceptors of Kalaripayattu. The practice of Kalaripayat is divided into 4 parts, first is ‘Meipayat’ which in Malayalam means ‘body conditioning’ which if we further elaborate refers to  the maximum or exaggerated use of all the joints and muscles.  They are choreographed to form a series of exercises.

And then comes ‘Koltharipayattu’ section which is all about wooden weapons. There are many wooden weapons  - long canes, short staffs, bent ones – otta (a horn-like weapon) which are used for training purposes. When coming to Koltharipayattu, there are these vaiitharis or the oral commands, first starting with the long staff  - kettukari. There are ten series in that each set to well-balanced vaiitharis or oral commands. Students in pairs shall practice together.

The third part is known as ‘Ankatharipayattu’ which is all about the sharp weapons. Sharp weapons like sword and shield, spear, dagger, and flexible sword urumi. Do you know that once upon a time urumi was worn around the waist of a person. So in an emergency situation he/she may take off that urumi and fight with that. As easy as it sounds, the length of urumi is quite a lot and people were supposed to carry it without being noticed by others.

Now comes the fourth and the final part which is ‘Verumkai’ that is bare handed defense and attack. So after learning and acquiring the necessary skills as well as the reflexes, he/ she should be able to defend any attack from all the quarters using any kind of weapons.

Kalari is not just limited fighting techniques but has a strong connection with therapeutic science, that is medicine. When you practice Kalaripayattu, you will come across bone-setting methods and ayurvedic massages. You learn and practice and learn more things and practice. So it is a never-ending process.

Revival of Kalaripayattu 

By the break-up or the end of Perumal life in the Southern part of India, somewhere around the 7th or 9th centuries, there emerged a lot of principalities, small kingdoms. And it was at that time, they wanted to keep private armies. So the warriors trained in their respective kalaris and became the soldiers of their respective principalities. There are records that trained Kalaripayattu practitioners and experts went as hired mercenaries to resolve differences amidst different kingdoms and establish a state of lawfulness. Without doubt, Kalaripayattu had its golden era at that time.

So ever after that Kalaripayattu had its decadence during the Portugese rule and thereafter during the British rule. Just before 1804 there was a great revolt by the great ruler Parashi and it was an armed revolt. Looking at the situation, the practice of Kalaripyattu was banned by the British Council and also who were hoarding weapons or who was found practicing weaponry, they were sent to jail. What a plight! When India gained independence there was none to revive Kalaripayattu, the most ancient art form at that time. Not even as a sports activity.

If you look at wrestling there is a bout. No one is killed. In professional boxing, also, no one is killed. However, the skills in Kalaripayattu have not been developed or metamorphosed or stylized to form such quality sport items. But, there is a small revival now. On the bright side, there are more than 100 Kalaris prevailing where daily practice is going on nowadays. For Kalaripyattu to regain its value once again, people like you and me must help spread this admirable art form. One should not forget, it is an all-rounder fitness activity which invokes discipline at large. Also, keep in mind, there is no age limit to Kalaripayattu.

So what are you waiting for. Find a suitable Kalari Training Center near you and make the most of this venerated art form.

#Stay Fit #Stay Healthy #Kalari #MartialArt 

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